.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Still busy!

I'm so happy that we're done with the musculoskeletal system!!! The exams today were really hard... Huuhuh! Anyway, I was suppose to sleep in the dorm today but I decided to go home since I have to research for the integration activity tomorrow. It's kinda like PBL but in a less formal way - they just do it for the clinical aspect of medicine.

It's so funny, I keep adding little things in my dorm to make it seem more "homely". It is definitely more convenient if you have a dorm, so you can rest, watch tv, sleep - just basically do whatever you want. Haaayyy... It's an expensive "hang-out" area. Hahaha! I rarely sleep there at night. I slept there for the first time last friday because I needed to study and I was going to the gross ana review the next day. Guess what! I liked it! It's way better if you're not sharing it with anyone. I had fun!! Hehehe! And guess what! Nag-brownout for 30 minutes but it was all good. I visited my blockmates on the other floor - they were studying in the hallways because it was super bright there (emergency lights) Gosh! It's nice there - I love the hot&cold shower.

Well, whatever! Have to get back to my research.