.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Today was an entire day of dissection!!!  How incredibly tiring!  I didn't really do anything to help my group.  Hahaha!  I just kept loitering in the gross anatomy lab and checking out the other cadavers...  By the afternoon, we had a little review of the muscles, veins, arteries and nerves that we found.  I learned a lot!  I still remember them - I hope I still do when practicals come.  Anyways, if you want to know how it is to dissect a dead human body, it's just like stripping the "meaty" part of a chicken leg except the human body is way bigger and you have to be careful of cutting a vein or an artery or even worse a nerve...
I really don't understand people!  They can't eat daw coz of the dissection and all that... you get used ot it and they probably think about it to much - some even stopped eating meat and chicken!  Hello?  I just ate dinuguan the other day!  It's all in the mind....
Anyways, on to the heavier part of life, evals are next monday!  I have to study all the structures of the upper limb!  Que Fun!
My lolo's birthday was last tuesday - it's his 80th!  They had dinner in lolo's house but I didn't go. :(  I decided to stay home because I was tired.  We're all so glad that he made it since he's in his last stages of cancer.  He's super thin and very weak already.  My tita (mom's sis who lives in canada) is coming home to attend the great celebration this weekend - saturday!  I'll be staying only for awhile so I can study at night.  Anyways, lolo's super excited to see everyone there in the province - it's another big reunion for the entire advincula clan!!