.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I am totally fed up with the ladies' dorm! They won't even open 'till next next week! They said that they would open this week....

And they have these forms that I have to submit everytime that I don't sleep there... Hay naku! I don't plan to sleep there the entire week! And they said that they extended the curfew from 10pm - 12 midnight already. Is that suppose to make me feel better? Tsk tsk! The only thing I like about that stupid dorm is the hot&cold shower and tv... that's it!

I am seriously entertaining the thought of moving to erja!!!

Grrr.... How incredibly annoying! Let's do a vote! 1 for erja and 2 for the ladies' dorm...

On the lighter side, I like it there... it's not sa bad! I'm having fun!