.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

I went to my friend's 22nd birthday party last night... Pao and I were the first ones there and the only ones who surprised nikki on her "surprise" party.

Note to self: On following parties, go there really late!

It was really great to see my "treasured" set of friends there (these people have been my friends since grade 6 pa in poveda) since we only see each other during occassions like these... We talk on the phone a lot but it's more fun to see everyone there. We all drank and ate and drank some more... got kinda tipsy but it's all good! So many things to talk about and so little time together. Time always seems to go-by so quickly and before I knew it, it was already time for me to go home. Good thing Pao went with me to the party since I know he wanted to be somewhere else... Thanks bebe!

Note to self: Do something nice for Pao :p

It's always weird to see everyone with their boyfriends... us girls always end up sitting together to start the "chika sessions" then the boys make their own group and they would chat with each other (about what, I don't know). That's the "ugali" already. Good thing the boyfriends get along pretty well... Well, I have a feeling that we will be like that for a very very long time... Whenever I see us together like that, it makes me realize that we're all grown up or maybe just growing up. Hehehe! From kiddies to teenagers to 20-somethings! It's a surreal experience.

I have to go to another party later... this time it's with Pao's LYC friends.