.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

My baby's back!

Pao arrived yesterday... super late!

A close friend of mine just broke up with her boyfriend of 8 years. It's really heart breaking and hard to just get up and go on with your life as so many people always say to you after something like that happens... I can only imagine what she's going thru right now.

Sure, I've had my share of heart breaks and I've always felt that I could never get through that... its especially worse when that emotional pain you feel suddenly becomes physical... like you feel that heavy, dreadful feeling on you heart. You can say its probably just psychological but it feels real to me. All you can really do is hold her hand and listen... Its hard to say "ok lang yan", when you know deep down that it will be quite a long while before everything will be okay. I hate going through that but then maybe it's worth it...

Worth it because you felt alive... that you know you are capable of giving your all to one special person and that someone appreciated it and reciprocated the feeling. How dull to go through life not feeling anything at all! I can't tell what will happen to my friend, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. I know that somehow, she will get thru this... all of us do. Its just a matter of time.

It may or may not feel right but its better to think that God is up there and He knows what's best for you even if you don't feel that at the moment.