.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

my happy hearts' day!

It was Valentine's Day yesterday and to celebrate this auspicious holiday... Pao surprised me with a valentine dinner at a swanky, fancy restaurant in greenbelt 2! We ate at Pepatos! The food was heavenly! We ate gooseliver pasta for starters... I had marlin steak for my main course and pao ordered lamb. Yummy! That's all I can say! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. For dessert, we had piramides... it was really really good!!! A mouth watering tower of chocolate batter and sandwiched between it is some sort of vanilla ice cream... and it was swimming in hot caramel!

Note to self: Treat pao out to a fancy restaurant!!!

Then we watched the musical Fame by the repertory! It was really cool! I didn't know that some of the songs I knew came from that. The cast was so talented... everybody could sing... dance (some better than others)... and of course act (some better than others)! They were all so talented. Nice choreography and nice story. It gives hope to the nearly hopeless. The play gives hope to all the dreamers out there but it's also realistic - you can't achieve a dream if you have no talent for it.... reality bites!

Here is my favorite song... I can totally relate to this song. Its so beautiful, real and pure.

Out Here On My Own by Fame Musical

Sometimes I wonder
Where I've been
Who I am, do I fit in?
Make-believing is hard alone
Out here, on my own

We're always proving
Who we are
Always reaching
For that rising star
To guide me far
And shine me home
Out here on my own

When I'm down and feeling blue
I close my eyes so I can be with you
Oh, baby, be strong for me
Baby, belong to me
Help me through
Help me need you

Until the morning sun appears
Making light of all my fears
I dry the tears I've never shown
out here on my own

Sometimes I wonder
Where I've been
Who I am, do I fit in?
I may not win
But I can't be thrown
Out here on my own
On my own

For a night cap, we ordered a liter of zombie at Masas... I saw a few friends of mine. Hehehe! What a great Valentine's Day... Really memorable! That's the first time I've ever really celebrated a day made especially for those in love. Hihihi! I'm lucky! ;)