.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Internal Medicine (Feb-Mar)

I am finally done. We just had to end the year with a bang!

This has got to be the hardest and most trying rotation out of all the rest but I did learn a lot here. IM covers everything - cardio, neuro, pulmo, infectious, rheuma, endo, gastro, hema, onco, nephro and many many more!

My duty starts with paperwork, interviewing patients, monitoring them every four hours (if "toxic" monitoring becomes every hour) then studying my patients for endorsements the following day.

Let me tell you all about the endorsements... Its basically just writing your admissions (your patients) on the board. Then the residents choose which one they want to have endorsed - usually depends on the case - at the start they choose the more common cases, then at the end, they deal with the exotic ones. Its like a lottery and the chosen case will be endorsed by the one incharge. You step infront of your groupmates, the residents and the consultant of the week... This is where the fun begins - you tell everything about your patient and basically just defend your diagnosis. The residents and consultants throw random questions at you and if you did read then good for you but if not or maybe you did read but since you're from-duty - which happens more often than not - you get crucified on the stage. Hehe! It may sound horrible but I did learn a lot from this experience.

So, anyway, let me present to you for the last time, my group, the people I've been thru thick and thin, thru shouting matches, thru trying time and laughing times. Clerkship is something that I will remember for the rest of my life.

Its where I grew up, where I learned for the first time, what I will be doing for the rest of my life. And hey, it aint so bad! In fact, its actually great! So for everyone out there who isnt sure about what they want to do in life, give it another try, Im glad I did.

If you read this blog from the start, you will realize that I stopped med school since I wasnt sure it was what I wanted... But I gave it another try and Im glad I did.