.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

I went to the gym this afternoon and it took me exactly 38 minutes to get to the gym. (usually I get there in 10 mins flat) It was so traffic! It's a good thing my car is a matic. I drive a beautiful, top of the line '99 bottle green accord, with leather seats (lotsa pillows in the backseat) and a 2.2 L engine. Ang lakas humatak! My car can outrun any civic around... I think. My car is even better than my boyfriend's!! My car kicks ass!!! It's official: I'M A CATCH! =p (pao's a catch din naman eh... so, it's even.)

During traffic so many *wonderful* things happened to me:

1. Don't you just hate it when you switch lanes because that lane you switched to moves faster than yours but once you're there that lane picks the exact moment to stop moving and you see all the cars in your former lane drive past you. All the drivers in your former lane are probably thinking; "malas!" and smirk at your misfortune. I would. Well, that happened to me. Grrrrrr....

2. At the stoplight infront of the acacia gate of AAV, the car infront of me was sooo slow, the light just turned orange and I would have made it if that "slow" car wasn't in front. Then, lo and behold, the driver of the supposedly slow car suddenly morphs into an F1 racer and makes the orange light. I unfortunately got stuck behind...

3. On my way home, (still traffic) there was a middle aged woman wanting to make singit in my lane... out of good will towards a fellow female driver, I let her. When she gets on my lane, she would not and will not make tutok to the car infront of her. An elephant would probably still fit. Out of frustration, I use my "suave" driving skills and manage to overtake her. Then it hits me, I am on the wrong lane. And I was too close to the car infront of me to switch to the right lane. (my skill of tail-gaiting was not beneficial to me at the moment) And again, I could see the other drivers behind me switch to the lane I wanted. Whoa... deja vu! Finally it moved and I was able to switch lanes and go home. Hurray for me!