.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Monday, April 05, 2004

I got back from Baguio at around 12 midnight... it was soooo freakin traffic on the north expressway because of road construction on large sections of the road! At least I was comfortable in the car...

Friday (april 2)... We ate brunch when we got to my parents' condo. Everyone decided to rest after - especially the exhausted drivers! While the oldies were sleepin, my tita wilma decided to have a karaoke fest!Frankly, I think I have a good voice.. it's not for american idol but I can definitely sing in tune! Just before sunset, we went to the famous camp john hay to check out the commissary and other PX shops there. My titos & titas bought so many stuff! I just bought a bikini panty and 3 thongs! hahaha! It was cheap kasi.

On our way home, we dropped by the Baguio country club & my dad bought everyone the famous strawberry shake! (my parents are club members) I love staying at the Baguio country club but we didn't stay there, it would be expensive to have several families stay there for 3 days! (it's 3k-5k a night)

Saturday (april 3)... Next day was a blur! We went to Mine's View Park where everyone went shopping! It was so crowded there coz they were shooting a scene- Twin Hearts! (local tv show). Of course, some avid fans of the series flocked to the site but some (like me) just complained about the heat and the waiting for the shoot to finish! Baguio is warm by day (due to proximity to the sun) and extremely cool at night. Then we went to good shepherd - this place is famous for pasalubong stuff, especially their ube and peanut brittle. It's a convent!

Lunch at the condo was buffet style again (most of the food is courtesy of my mom - she's an excellent cook!) While lolo was resting, we all went to Sm Baguio & walked down the famous session road! Went to the palengke to buy more stuff... We went back up the road again to SM where we left the cars. How extremely tiring!

Sunday (april 4)... Woke up really early to hear mass... it's Palm Sunday! The kids & I went horse-back riding for one hour on the trails - good thing it was on the trail roads, I hate Wright Park (famous for horse-back) because it's so dusty & all you do is go around in circles! Now, my butt and inner thighs hurt because I asked the guide if I could make the horse trot and gallop a little because I was so bored with the slow pace of the horse! Next time, I'm bringing butt pads!

As we loaded the cars and got ready to say goodbye to Baguio - some last minute incident happens! The maid got stuck inside the bathroom... she stayed there for an hour! It must have been a horrible experience but she was finally liberated by my dad and tito caloy! Hahaha! We finally left the condo... dropped-by Ibay's (popular jewelry store in Baguio). I got a necklace and earrings! My parents bought the maid a pair of earrings for all the help she did in the condo.

It was a really great vacation! I was able to chat and talk to my titos and titas... which I don't get to do often. :)