.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Happy Birthday Mommy!

It's my mummy's birthday today!!! She took a birthday leave.... Hehehe! She's soooo old but she still looks so young. I can only hope to look as young when I'm her age.... and hope to accomplish as much at her age!

I had a great time today... We played badminton at the club and ate at Saisaki for dinner... we went around town for awhile and encountered a few shops... we went shopping! My mom bought herself a a couple of blouses and bought me a tank top! I had fun and I hope my mom did too! She's the best mom in the world! I love her so much!!!

Last but definitely not least.... HAPPY 27 MONTHS BABY!!! Luv you! *mwah*