.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

It's all Saints Day!

I just got back from the cemetery! Amazingly, we did not encounter any sort of traffic on our way to the place and on our way home. There were still a lot of people there... In some weird way, the whole cemetery reminded me of those street parties in malate. Everyone was walking and there were food stalls everywhere! There were so many couples... probably using the holiday as an excuse to go out and hold hands. How this holiday has indeed changed from the time when I was still a kid.

I remember before that there was no TV station working and even the radios were out! The malls were closed. No one could go out because the restaurants were all closed... you were stuck at home with no TV and no radio. Now, everything is open! The malls are open, TV and all it cable channels are fully operational and there are even disk jockeys to entire you on the radio with regular news updates for the weary driver. The country club is even open! How time has really changed! What was once a quiet and solemn holiday, is now just like any other day, save for the fact that you have to visit those who have gone to greener pastures.

As usual, we prayed the rosary there for the souls of all the dearly departed and I had to lead the second stage of the mystery... The thing is, I know how to pray the rosary and how it goes but I haven't (until now) remembered by heart the parts of the mysteries. Mweehehehe! Kakahiya! But I do know that there were three mysteries: Glorious, Sorrowful and Joyful. Recently, the Pope added one more mystery: Luminous! Anyways, I had a great time there... it's really great when all of your relatives come together (even if the occasion isn't suppose to be a happy one)... We just talked and talked and talked.