.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Sunday, November 16, 2003


Thanks to pao for his very entertaining and oh-so-lalim blog entries!!

My trip to Shanghai, China was tiring but fun. It was soooo cold! I realized that my mom's ocular trips to different countries weren't as fun and carefree as I thought they were. In fact it was the compete opposite, the trip was busy and hectic. We checked out all the sights in this city so that my mom can choose which ones the agents will get to see on their trip to Shanghai next year! Gosh! At least I took a lot of pretty pictures!

There was so little time for shopping... We even slept in two different hotels so that my mom can choose which one the agents will stay in when they're there. All in all, I had so much fun because I did get to see all the sights and I got to eat authentic shanghainese food and most of all, I got to spend time with my mom. It was truly a great experience.

During my stay there I noticed a couple of things:

1. Most of the people there did not know how to speak english, it was sign language all the way! haha! During the rare times that we got to shop, we bargained and bargained! It was tiring but fun. Haggling is an art and my mom is very skillful even though there is that language barrier... it was just numbers so... it wasn't so hard. The shanghainese used calculators to bargain with the foreigners. We bought mostly pasalubongs for everybody!

2. Shanghai doesn't even look like a communist land. It looks so westernized already! There are so many malls and shopping areas. It's especially beautiful at night because of all the beautiful lights! It's incredibly bright! Again, I'm really glad I went on this trip.

3. The people there are rude... they get in your face and bump everyone! So as you walk along the road, you probably bump around ten people, that's if you don't move fast.

4. There aren't a lot of pretty Chinese girls. (I didn't see any!) And all the men look alike! No one has the shaved-head look there!

5. Shanghai and probably the rest of China still have that Chauvinist culture. There are more guys out on the streets walking around than there are girls. I guess the women there still have to stay home and do house chores. The thing is, when you enter the mall, around 4 levels of it is dedicated to women's attire and just one floor for men's! It's ridiculous!

6. Their traffic system is weird! They prioritize left turns! When the green light is lit on opposite sides of the street, you could still make a left turn even if there is oncoming traffic... they will stop for those who are making the turn.

7. It is more likely that you will be rundown by a bike or motorcycle rather than by a car or bus! There are so many bikes and a portion of the street is dedicated to them!

8. The people there converse with each other like they are always angry! Its normal lang pala! Hehehe!

Before I forget, Mariah Carey and her entire crew was with me on the plane back to manila! What a surreal experience!