.: Driving to neverland :.

You get lost along the way but you always get to where you're going.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Break!

Finally, God gave me time to breath and to catch up on things happening in my life.

Never-ending department evaluations kept coming my way and all my time and energy was focused there. Now, I can focus on me... just me.

A little update on pao and me:
  1. we talk almost every night thru skype or google talk, we see each other on the webcam - reason why I'm always online in YM! sayang naman internet ko sa dorm! (for dsl 750/mo I'm keeping myself online 24/7!)
  2. there are times when i lose track of why I'm in this LDR (i'm too tamad to type long distance relationship... i put it there anyway coz some might not understand) and I drown myself in countless worries and problems that i have conjured up in my mind - monica thanks for listening (sorta!)
  3. i'm looking forward to the fact that he's coming home. i'm not telling when! hehe!

Now that I have all this time, I'm just not used to having it all to myself... sometimes I have the urge to pick up the phone and dial pao's home number. Sad to say, he won't be the one to answer. I think I haven't come to terms with what's going on - I'm blaming it on the fact that I was too busy to think about it. But now that I have all this time - I dread it! I seriously would rather NOT think about it.

Ah well, I'm looking forward to the shopping this weekend - I'm just going to start my christmas shopping this weekend! No time nga kasi.

I wish I had that "Beam-me-up-scotty" machine so that I can go visit pao and see him whenever I want. Ah well... maybe santa hasn't invented that one yet.